| Mar 16, 2021 | admin
Join us for the exclusive 2021 Media Management Alumni Conference! We meet virtually on April 9th, 2021 from 10 AM – 2 PM EST via Zoom. Use this event to reconnect with your classmates, catch up with the faculty members, …
By Jacquelyn Hart Ever thought about how you will stay connected after graduation? For students in the Master of Science in Global Finance program, a Saturday afternoon meetup was just the thing. Current MSGF students joined alumni to share reflections on their consulting projects, …
For women preparing to enter the business world, the path to career success can sometimes seem less than clear. That’s where industry leaders at this year’s Women in Leadership Conference, sponsored by Smart Woman Securities, stepped in. Among the speakers were Ashley …
When you browse the seemingly endless options of television series and movies on Netflix, it’s likely you aren’t thinking about the server capacity required to stream the first season of Stranger Things. But someone is. At this month’s Gabelli School Speaker Series lecture, Dave Temkin, …
By Patrick Verel Note: This story was originally published in the Fordham Newsroom and was re-published here on GabelliConnect. Ran Niu, MSGF ’16, is among a select group of students awarded a new scholarship geared toward training future leaders to strengthen links …
Life is a marathon, not a sprint. A Gabelli School senior knows firsthand the truth behind these words. Christa Ceconi, BS ’17, recently accepted a one-year rotational position at Dreyfus, a subsidiary of BNY Mellon, but it took time, patience, …
Networking is a buzzword business students hear often. There’s a reason for that: making connections with people in the organizations you admire or hope to join is a crucial step in building your career. Next week’s Networking Expo coordinated by …
In a city with a population of more than 1.2 million, one might imagine there are many people devoting time to doing good. John Mungioli, BS ’09, is one of those people. Not just a casual volunteer, Mungioli was a …
You’ve created your résumé. You’ve edited it. You’ve revised it again. What next?
If you’re seeking advice on how to pursue a career in the fashion and beauty industries, these five young alumnae can help.