If given the choice, people will always choose ad-free viewing, a media marketing specialist told a group of academics and media professionals during an international conference last week. That is why it is important that publishers and advertisers “find new …
What kind of tales will they tell? Gabelli School of Business graduate students will let an audience at Pope Auditorium in on some of their real-life stories during a March 8 stage performance as part of Associate Professor Travis Russ’ …
By Victoria Cleveland Associate Professor Travis Russ does more than teach at the Gabelli School of Business. He helps to train minds through theater. Find out more about him in this interview, edited only for length and clarity: Q. Tell …
Tagged in communications,
cura personals,
Edward Gorey,
Fordham University,
Gabelli School of Business,
Here Art Center,
LifeJacket Theater Company,
The Storytelling Project,
Travis Russ