Tax season is upon us. If this statement spurred vague visions of W-2s, Form 1040s, and withholding, you’re not alone. But there’s more to taxes—and the tax industry—than what many people know from filing forms each year. On Thursday, February …
Roger O’Donnell, the global head of data analytics at KPMG, scanned the lecture room on the third floor of Keating Hall and asked his audience of Fordham students a few questions: “How many of you are seniors? Juniors? Sophomores? … …
Students interested in how data analytics is used in a Big Four accounting firm will be able to get a firsthand account when KPMG’s global head of data analytics visits Fordham on March 3. Roger O’Donnell leads the global development and execution of …
By Bailey Link It is rare that students have the opportunity to meet recruiters without the nerves that come with looking for an internship or a job. Providing that chance was the purpose of the Gabelli School of Business Networking …
How good are you at the ring toss? Bring your carnival-game skills, your networking abilities and your desire to have some fun to the Gabelli School of Business Annual Networking Carnival on Feb. 1. But whatever you do, don’t bring …
Fordham’s Beta Alpha Psi chapter won a national award this month in the Grant Thornton Ethics in Business Competition. Seven students—Melanie Faulk, Archibald King, Rachel Cho, Katherine Alexanderson, Michael Hickey, Maggie Wang and Jake Candelaria—were awarded a plaque and $2,500 during …
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