There’s a difference between studying Dublin from a Keating classroom and actually experiencing the city in person. The 13 undergraduate students on a recent global immersion trip got to try out both. Here are the top nine insights they gained over the course of their …
While there is plenty to do at Fordham, Gabelli School students know the city really is their campus. Taking advantage of their proximity to a number of business schools, Gabelli students in the value investing concentration attended Columbia Business School’s 20th annual …
What’s “googliness”? Go ahead and google it. Or get the answer straight from the source. “Googliness is that ‘above-and-beyond’ characteristic,” attributable to “the type of person who walks by a piece of trash on the ground, stops, picks it up, and throws it …
Networking is a buzzword business students hear often. There’s a reason for that: making connections with people in the organizations you admire or hope to join is a crucial step in building your career. Next week’s Networking Expo coordinated by …
When you stay at a hotel, you probably have some suggestions on how the experience could be improved. You probably do not bring your ideas to a panel of KPMG leaders who expect your presentation to measure up to a professional firm’s. In …
The first week of classes has come and gone. It’s time to get settled in for a productive spring semester—which also means thinking about what comes after graduation.
The results are in. The winner of the 2016 Consulting Cup Challenge is … RWG Chipotle! Six sophomore teams earned the honor to compete for the cup, which represents the highest accolade in the second-year business core curriculum. All sophomores formed teams …
For Makena Masterson, BS ’19, a stay in the hospital inspired a new business to help others. Started when she was in high school, Masterson’s company, SNOX, creates non-slip socks and donates 100 percent of its profits to charities. Masterson …
“What do you think of the people who work in the finance industry?”. When James McCann, lecturer at the Gabelli School of Business, posed this question to his freshman Ground Floor class, the majority responded with words like “greed” and “advantage.”
Think about what you’d do with a million dollars. The Gabelli School’s undergraduate Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) addresses this question each semester.