Home » Undergraduate » Sophomore sells socks as way to give back

Sophomore sells socks as way to give back

Undergraduate | Dec 27, 2016 |

Makena Masterson. Photo by Dana Maxson.

For Makena Masterson, BS ’19, a stay in the hospital inspired a new business to help others.

Started when she was in high school, Masterson’s company, SNOX, creates non-slip socks and donates 100 percent of its profits to charities.

Masterson decided to create socks because—in addition to the need she discovered during her hospital stay—she wanted to sell a product that would appeal to everyone, to increase the donations she could make.

The idea certainly appealed to the Fordham community, as the article about her company was one of the most-viewed posts on Fordham News in 2016.

If you missed the story the first time around, read the full article.

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