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Gabelli London students visit Chelsea FC

Coursework , Event Recaps , London , Stories Stories from Abroad | Oct 03, 2011 |

Whatever you do, just don’t call it soccer.

This was among the ground rules for the Gabelli London students who visited the stadium and offices of the renowned Chelsea Football Club. The students traveled this fall to the team’s home arena, known as Stamford Bridge, for a tour titled “The Business of Football.” They heard from Chelsea representatives about marketing, accounting and human resources for one of the best-known and historic football teams not only in England, but in the world.

Visits like this one are a regular part of the Fordham London Centre experience. In addition to their coursework, Gabelli students have the chance to learn how business is done in the United Kingdom — which often differs from what we are accustomed to in the United States — by speaking with executives and employees at UK-based companies. The London program also aims to give Gabelli students an immersion into British culture. And if football doesn’t reflect British culture, we don’t know what does.

Watch GabelliConnect throughout the school year for additional posts about Gabelli students’ academic lives as students abroad in the UK. For more information about the programs offered in London, visit www.fordham.edu/gsblondon.

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