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Meet our Students: Liz Stack, MBA ’21

Profiles Stories | Apr 08, 2021 |

After four years working in Manhattan in the fashion industry, Liz Stack, MBA ’21 was looking for a way to continue her education with an advanced degree and still live in the city she’d fallen in love with.

For Liz, the Gabelli School was the perfect match. Learn more about this talented and dynamic student who is part of our full-time MBA cohort.

What made you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

After graduating from the University of Notre Dame, I moved closer to home and lived in Manhattan for four years, working in the fashion industry doing strategic management for a young contemporary denim brand. After a few years, I realized that I had a lot more to learn since I did not study business as an undergraduate; I decided to go back for my MBA to focus on working with data and be back in a learning environment so that I could hyper-focus on my professional development.

How did you pick the Gabelli School?

I applied to business schools on the east and west coasts but ended up wanting to stay east due to personal circumstances. My love for Manhattan definitely factored into my decision to apply. Generous financial support from Gabelli, the campus location, and MBA concentration options sealed the deal.

What makes the Gabelli School different than other schools?

The small classes and personal connections you make. The full-time MBA cohort is small – ours is around 50 students, which means that professors and administrators alike are invested in your success. They know your face, and before you even get admitted to the school, they know about you. That made me feel like I would be a valued part of the Fordham community. Something else that was really important in my decision was the fact that Fordham is a Jesuit institution. Coming from a Catholic undergraduate education, I understand what it means to be dedicated to the whole person. I feel committed to doing business with purpose, and that’s something that is really at the core of the Gabelli School.

What was your admissions process like?

First, I took the GRE – which I know is now not required for many programs. Then, I went to visit the campus at Lincoln Center, which is absolutely gorgeous. I enjoyed getting to know the admissions staff and a couple of current students. I also worked really hard on all of the components of my application to show the most well-rounded version of myself as possible. I ended up being offered a Dean’s Scholarship, which I was honored and elated to accept. It made my decision that much easier.

What has life been like as a student during these times? Have you attended in-person classes, and what can you say about the continuing sense of community/ the dedication of faculty?

I’d imagine that life as a student during these times has been the same as life for most people has been: effortful. I’ve worked hard to stay engaged, to maintain a positive attitude, and to rally other students in the community to stay connected to one another in my position as VP of Events on the student council. I attended a mix of in-person, hybrid, and fully remote classes and actually worked with the IT department to help professors adjust to the change in the learning environment. I think all the effort has been paid back to me with dividends. This experience has been difficult but extremely rewarding. The way that students and faculty have come together during this time has been extraordinary, and it gives me confidence that I’ll be able to help future personal and professional communities weather hard times and emerge stronger.

In your eyes, what kinds of students would find the Gabelli School to be the perfect fit?

Fordham is a school for people who want to experience being a part of a tight knit, genuinely diverse, and really dedicated community. I’ve had the privilege of becoming extremely involved in this community over the past year, and I’ve grown immensely because of it. If you want the chance to lead in a supportive and inclusive environment, Fordham is for you.

What advice would you give prospective students?

My advice to anyone who is applying would be to put forth your strongest effort, and to try to really be yourself. At the end of the day, know that you’re going to end up where you are the best fit. For me, I’m really proud to say that that was the Gabelli School.

The Gabelli School’s Round Four application deadline for MBA programs, MS programs, Dual-Degrees, and Non-Degree programs is Friday, April 9, 2021. Browse our programs or complete your application today

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