by Christianna Wymbs (GSB ’16) Financial statements help investors to determine the financial health of a company. Sound exciting? Well, financial statements at times can be dull, but Anu Joseph (GSB ’10) and Angela Luongo (GSB ’11) kept Smart Woman …
by Christianna Wymbs (GSB ’16) If you came to the October 2 Smart Woman Securities seminar, you learned how to discover your net worth. Now, how do you increase it at a more rapid pace? Last week, SWS invited Llnon …
by Emily Raleigh (GSB ’16) with reporting from Emily Harman (GSB ’15) Invest in yourself. That was the slogan of the 2013 Women in Leadership Conference, held by Fordham’s chapter of Smart Woman Securities. The accomplished women who spoke at …
by Jillian Brooks (GSB ’15) Audrey Hepburn was not present, and breakfast was not served. But some members of Fordham’s Smart Woman Securities enjoyed the privilege of sitting down for lunch at Tiffany & Co.’s corporate headquarters on Fifth Avenue …
by Farzana Ali (GSB ’15) The year’s final Smart Woman Securities seminar featured speakers from two different divisions: finance and operations. But their perspectives were similar. Veronica Valasek (GSB ’01), a senior manager in Morgan Stanley’s institutional securities group, and …
by Emily Harman (GSB ’15) Meet the head of investment management for the Americas at J.P. Morgan. Hear what it was like to be chief tech officer at Apple. In short, “Invest in yourself”! That is the tagline for the fourth Women …
by Farzana Ali (GSB ’15) She wanted to be on Broadway: a singer, a dancer. Or maybe the owner of a spa chain. Yet she became the chief U.S. technical and market analyst in the investment strategy group at Merrill …
by Farzana Ali (GSB ’15) You want a finance internship. Did the idea of randomly walking into Wall Street offices uninvited ever occur to you? It did to Sihien Goh (GSB ’13). He sat down with Smart Woman Securities before break …
by Farzana Ali (GSB ’15) “We have a meteorologist on our team,” announced Morgan Stanley’s Amy Oldenburg. What team was she talking about? The global emerging markets equity team at her firm, where she’s chief operating officer and portfolio specialist. …
True or false: Smart Woman Securities seminars are for female students only. False. A few intrepid Gabelli School “sons of Fordham” joined their female counterparts last week at the first seminar in SWS’s spring series. That allowed them to meet …