Home » Announcements » Will YOU bring home Fordham’s 2nd business ethics trophy?

Will YOU bring home Fordham’s 2nd business ethics trophy?

Announcements | Oct 19, 2015 |
The Business Ethics Case Competition presentations will be held in Flom Auditorium.

The Business Ethics Case Competition presentations will be held in Flom Auditorium.

Now’s the time to form a team for the Gabelli School’s Business Ethics Case Competition. The winning team in our campus round will get $1,000 and a trip to the 2016 international competition in Boston.

All you need to do by December 2 is sign up.

How does this competition work? You simply create a team of three to five students, pick an ethical issue that interests you, and break it down in a short paper (four to six pages). Your team will have 15 to 25 minutes at the competition itself—held in February—to present your analysis in front of judges.

Do you have a paper already written from class? You can use it!

The first step in participating is to sign up and have your topic approved. Send your team roster and topic choice to Greer Jason, senior assistant dean of undergraduate studies, by Wednesday, Dec. 2. You will find out by Dec. 18 if your topic is pre-approved, and if so, you will prepare your paper and presentation. The competition will be held at 3 p.m. on Feb. 10, 2016, in Flom Auditorium.

More details, guidelines and examples of past topics are here. This is a great potential résumé-builder, plus a chance to win some money and travel.

For additional information, contact Dean Jason at jason@fordham.edu.

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