Home » Announcements » Win $750 in ‘March Madness’ data analytics competition

Win $750 in ‘March Madness’ data analytics competition

Announcements | Feb 05, 2016 |

shutterstock_218036230Do you think you have the data-analysis chops to predict the results of this year’s NCAA basketball tournament?

Then join with three of your fellow students and enter Fordham University’s “March Data Crunch Madness” competition. Students will compete in groups of four to build a computer model to predict the “March Madness” NCAA results.

A kick-off (yes, we know that’s football) event, sponsored by Deloitte, will be held at 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 8, in Room 912 of the Lowenstein Building. Historical data will be released to teams then. Information sessions and workshops will be held weekly at the same time and in the same location through February and up to March 14, when current season data will be released to teams.

The championship event will be held on April 1 in a location yet to be determined.

The event is open to all current Fordham University students. There will be cash prizes: $750 for first place; $500 for second; $250 for third, and a participation prize of $50 per team. The teams will be judged on presentation, methodology and results. If you do not have a full team, let the organizers know and they will help you find a team.

If you can’t get together a team before the Monday meetings, don’t worry. The registration deadline is March 1. You must register here. For additional information, email mdcm2k16@gmail.com.

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