Hunter Lovins, a well-known environmentally focused entrepreneur and advocate, has news for us: We are already in a climate crisis. Enough talk about what might happen in the future (though that’s important, she says). There is plenty occurring right now that …
Tagged in Andrew Winston,
climate change,
Fordham University,
Gabelli School of Business,
Huffington Post,
Hunter Lovins,
Jo Confino,
Joseph Quinn,
Laudato Si,
Michael Pirson,
Pope Francis,
sustainable business,
The Big Pivot
Pope Francis, in his encyclical Laudato Si, calls for “a new and universal solidarity” to deal with a planet imperiled by a lack of attention to its ecological state. The encyclical by the lightning-rod Argentinian, elected in 2013 to lead …
Tagged in Andrew Winston,
Evangelii Gaudiam,
Fordham University,
Gabelli School of Business,
Green Recovery,
Huffington Post,
Hunter Lovins,
Jo Confino,
Laudato Si,
Michael Pirson,
Msgr. Joseph Quinn,
Natural Capitalism,
Pope Francis,
Winston Eco-Strategies
Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si (Praise Be to You), released Thursday morning, laid out a case for a more conscious stewardship of the planet, rejecting what he said was a short-sighted throw-away culture of consumerism and greed. Climate change, ecological destruction …