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Alexander Hamilton and the 2016 election

Faculty | Oct 27, 2016 |

If history repeats itself, does it follow that we can know what historical figures would do if they were alive today? What would Alexander Hamilton, for example, think about the current political climate?

McNelis: ‘Little to no’ reason not to approve free-trade pact

Faculty | Jul 06, 2016 |

Calling political and union opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership pact shortsighted, a Gabelli School of Business professor says there is “little to no” reason for the agreement not to be ratified by Congress. Paul McNelis, S.J., the Robert Bendheim Chair …

McNelis: Argentina’s economic history ‘stranger than fiction’

Faculty | Oct 01, 2015 |

During Pope Francis’ lifetime, Argentinians have been subject to a number of economic experiments and political upheaval that have shaped not only the country’s troubled history, but also the pope’s views on capitalism and government, according to an article written …

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