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HughesNews: Midwinter construction photos

Stories | Feb 09, 2012 |

When a building is under construction, there’s something special about the moment when the interior walls go up — you start to see the rooms, and the layout becomes clear. It’s not unlike the feeling of adjusting a manual camera into focus. Hughes Hall is reaching that point now.

Below are assorted photographic updates from Hughes in midwinter.


A future 50-seat classroom on the second floor, facing Keating.

Construction crews carefully inserted steel beams at the base of the second story so that a large entryway could be cut below without destabilizing the structure.

Every single window was custom-fit to its space by a company based in New Jersey. Each of Hughes’s five floors features a different type of window.

A view of a corner of the fifth floor. This level will be turned into faculty offices that will be brightly lit by the sloping windows of the Mansard roof.

The super-awesome crane machine that is being used to place the slanted pieces of roof glass that merge into a plane with the fifth floor’s windows.

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