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Gabelli leads Fordham’s increase in early applications

Stories | Jan 27, 2012 |

The story below has been adapted from a longer version by Inside Fordham writer Patrick Verel.


The Gabelli School of Business is becoming an increasingly sought-after target for prospective freshmen, according to statistics released by the admissions office this week. Early-action applications to Gabelli for the 2012-2013 year increased by 30 percent over last year.

Gabelli received 2,616 early applications this year — for a freshman class that typically has around 400 slots. Applications for regular decision admission haven’t even been tabulated yet.

Why the increased popularity? Part of it is due to Gabelli’s rising profile and innovative programming, according to John W. Buckley, associate vice president for undergraduate enrollment. Add to this the tendency of some students to seek a business education during uncertain economic times, and you have quite the spike.

“The recent substantive donations to Gabelli went a long way toward people realizing that GSB is going to have resources,” Mr. Buckley said. “Also, visitors have seen the tangible changes happening at Hughes Hall. It’s clear that there will be an outstanding business facility in the heart of the campus.”

Dean Donna Rapaccioli said the jump in early applications is an indication that the school is quickly becoming a business school of choice — thanks to the strength of its programs, faculty and alumni network.

“People are discovering the innovations we have added to our curriculum over the last several years,” she said. “Those advances in business education — combined with our location in New York and the opportunities we offer for internships and hands-on learning — are making us an ever-more attractive destination.”

On the whole, the University experienced 12 percent growth in early action requests this year. Fordham’s other undergraduate divisions did not see as high of an increase in early applications as Gabelli’s. Overall, applications to the three undergraduate colleges have increased by 8 percent as of mid-January — the 21st consecutive year that the number of undergraduate applications to Fordham has seen an uptick.

“The volume and strength of the Fordham’s undergraduate pool are signs of the University’s growing reputation in both domestic and international markets,” Buckley said.

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