Home » Areas of Study » Communications/Media Management » Profs. Drury and Russ win honor at national conference

Profs. Drury and Russ win honor at national conference

Communications/Media Management , Faculty Stories | Jan 23, 2013 |

A scholarly article co-written by Professor Meghann Drury-Grogan and Professor Travis Russ has won a best paper award from the National Communication Association.


One of the most important insights covered in this paper emerged from Professors Russ and Drury’s work at the Gabelli School. They wrote about whether participating in a business-communication simulation (sound familiar, juniors and seniors in the integrated core?) had an effect on the way students perceive their own business-communication behaviors.

Think for a moment about how that information can help faculty members to make our courses even more useful.

Professors Russ and Drury discovered that their students did feel differently about their communications skills before the simulation and after: They were more positive about their abilities afterward, and more confident in their message construction, message delivery, critical analysis and collaboration skills as a result of participating in the business communication simulation.

Winning the best paper award in the training and development division is a significant honor. Good luck to both faculty members with future directions in your research!


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