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Can you negotiate? If not, you need one of these spring courses!

Coursework Stories | Nov 28, 2012 |

Here you are.
Across the table is a guy who has something you want.
Are you leaving with what you came for?

Negotiation skills are critical for business leaders. Fail to learn them, and you could find yourself stuck in the middle of the pack.

Fortunately, the Gabelli School of Business has two courses next semester to sharpen your abilities and get you ready to win even the most difficult negotiations.

(Don’t forget: Your first negotiation could be the one where you set the salary for your first job. Get that done right.) Talk to your class dean about enrolling in one of the following for spring 2013:


Negotiating for Business Success (MGBU 4478 / CRN 20864)
If you can’t negotiate, you can’t get things done. This hands-on course teaches you to be a strategic, ethical and fair negotiator who can bring about outcomes that satisfy all sides. You will practice negotiations in class. You will watch videos of negotiators succeeding and failing, and you’ll break down what went right or wrong. You will learn negotiation scenarios you can try with your friends and family. You’ll discover the secrets of various negotiation models: collaborative, win-win, competitive and zero-sum. Negotiation is a skill that will make you extremely valuable to employers. Learning it benefits any future businessperson who wants to get his or her solutions accepted and build strong workplace relationships.

Cross-Cultural Negotiation (MGBU 4476 / CRN 20865) 
Does negotiation in the United States look the same as negotiation in Japan, or India, or South Africa? Find the answers to questions like these in this course, which prepares students to function in an extraordinarily diverse, increasingly interconnected business world. Students will hone their negotiation abilities while exploring the legal, ethical and practical challenges of negotiating across cultures. In addition to case studies and films, the curriculum will take advantage of New York City’s multicultural settings, getting students out into the real world to see how business gets done across boundaries. This course is especially important for anyone who might work abroad one day, as well as for students pursuing the G.L.O.B.E. international-business specialization and those who plan to participate in Fordham’s Global Outreach.


For more information about either of the above courses, contact your class dean or Professor Sharon Livesey at livesey@fordham.edu.



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