Home » Stories » Coursework » Prof. Werner publishes about “The Ground Floor” in top journal

Prof. Werner publishes about “The Ground Floor” in top journal

Coursework , Faculty Stories | Apr 23, 2012 |

Spreading the word about one of the most unique elements of the Gabelli School of Business curriculum, Professor Frank Werner has published an article about our very own Ground Floor course in the latest edition of the Journal of the Academy of Business Education.

The article, titled “The Ground Floor: Starting and Succeeding with a New Introduction to Business Course,” briefly explains how Fordham’s distinctive integrated business core curriculum came to be and gives an overview of how The Ground Floor is run in a typical semester. The business professors and deans around the country who form this journal’s primary audience can benefit from Professor Werner’s insights into course design and delivery.

Professor Werner’s article includes the idea that the Gabelli curriculum is a work in progress, and that the business faculty is ever-mindful ways to improve a successful model. Students’ opinions play no small part in that process.

“Just as students are asked each week to reflect and write on what is likely to change the way business is conceived and practiced in the future, we will constantly ask how changes in business, in pedagogy, and in students’ preparation and needs demand modifications to the course,” he wrote. “Our goal is to ensure that our future Fordham GSB freshmen always get in on ‘The Ground Floor.'”

Congratulations to Professor Werner on the article’s acceptance to such a prestigious publication!


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