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Gabelli School advertising launches in the WSJ!

Stories | Sep 27, 2012 |

Did you read The Wall Street Journal on September 27?

(Of course you did.)

Grab your copy, go back and take a look at page A12. You’ll see something familiar.

This marks the debut of the Gabelli School of Business’s new advertising campaign in The Wall Street Journal. A follow-up ad appeared in the paper next week. Both are part of a national campaign that will see Gabelli School ads placed in print and online venues all over the United States and even abroad, as we spread the word about the great programs — and great business students — we have here at Fordham.

The campaign’s main idea, as you will see, is that Fordham’s hands-on curriculum and location in New York City offer students a far greater range of business learning opportunities than other places do. If you go to business school in the middle of Kansas, you may learn marketing just from a textbook. Not here.

A similar advertisement ran in The New York Times Magazine earlier in September. Ads will soon be on the web sites and mobile sites of media outlets across the country. We’ll have a radio spot on Pandora. And if you shop at certain malls in the New York area (including The Westchester and Roosevelt Field!) or in metropolitan L.A., Chicago, San Francisco and San Diego, you might catch a Gabelli School poster on the backlit displays within the mall.

Keep an eye out for some of your classmates who appear in the ads. Special thanks to Evan Chambers (GSB ’14)Cindy De La Rosa (GSB ’14)Nico DePaul (GSB ’12), Mike Gamber (GSB ’13), Alyssa Marino (GSB ’12)Tony Qiu (GSB ’13)Siobhan Reidy (GSB ’14) and Alexis Summit (GSB ’14) for volunteering for our photo shoots last winter and this summer!

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