Gabelli School of Business and The PhD Project Co-Host Inaugural Workshop Titled “Integrating ESG into Your Classroom”
Featured Events | Jun 30, 2023 | Gabelli School of Business
Top Industry Experts and Academicians Shared Their Views on Emerging Trends With Business School Educators

Karen Y. Johns, chief executive officer of the Good Institute (left), with Beatriz Picard, Gabelli School of Business assistant dean of international student support and global initiatives (right), discussed inspiring and supporting future business leaders in addressing ESG issues.
On June 22 and 23, 2023, leaders in the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) space from business and academia came together to share their expertise and guidance for taking important next steps in bridging the knowledge gap between the boardroom and the classroom. “Integrating ESG into your Classroom,” co-hosted by the Gabelli School of Business and The PhD Project, focused on ESG issues and trends through a global lens, providing practical ways for attendees—all of whom teach in business schools—to incorporate new approaches on ESG and reporting into their course curriculum. Presentations covered a wide range of topics including an overview of ESG, the latest developments in ESG disclosure standards, the importance of engaging a diverse community of future business leaders, and practical guidance on how to include ESG concepts into classroom teaching.
Brad Sparks, executive director of the Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) Project, talked about the importance of sustainability reporting for the accounting community as CFO’s grapple with the increased impact climate change is having on their businesses. His presentation covered the ways in which companies stand to benefit through better decision-making based upon more comprehensive and focused reporting. He also stressed how important it will be for accountants and other financial professionals to be trained to provide ESG information and data.

Keynote speaker, Brad Sparks, executive director of the Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) Project, opened the event with a presentation on how sustainability reporting fosters better decision-making.
Karen Y. Johns, chief executive officer of the Good Institute, led an inspiring discussion about the power of recognizing and supporting individuals who have an intent to help find solutions to ESG challenges and on understanding how to maximize impact. She encouraged the audience to adopt broader thinking around EGS issues and to realize that solutions can come from anywhere. Touching on the social elements of ESG, she shared how the members of organizations such as Net Impact are advocating for changes to business education that will influence future generations of C-suite leaders.

Jeff Hales, Ph.D., Bake Chair in Global Sustainability Leadership, Charles T. Zlatkovich Centennial Professor of Accounting, executive director of the Global Sustainability Leadership Institute University of Texas at Austin, and member of the International Sustainability Standards Board, talks about disclosure standards developments unfolding around the world.
Barbara Porco, Ph.D., clinical professor and associate dean of graduate studies, Gabelli School of Business; and Patricio Meneses, Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences, associate dean for student support & academic initiatives, Fordham College at Rose Hill, held a hands-on workshop to examine how the EN-ROADS global climate simulator—a tool that enables users to explore the impact of climate policies on energy prices, air quality, temperature, and rising sea levels—can be used to stimulate discussions with students in the classroom.
A panel of ESG experts from KPMG including Mariana Souza, director, ESG and Climate Advisory; Lorie Shrivastava, senior manager, Economic Services, Economic Valuation Services; Rob Fisher, US ESG leader; and Carmen Magee, managing director, KPMG Impact, held a group discussion providing insights into ESG risk management by using examples of clients with varying approaches to ESG reporting. The session touched on many ESG factors that are impacting businesses and the ways in which companies are responding. It also emphasized how important the role of accountants is and how the ways the field of accounting is evolving can serve to move the discussion forward.
Shari Littan, director of corporate reporting research and policy, Institute of Management Accountants, presented an overview of the Institute’s publication titles “Management Accountants Role in Sustainable Business Strategy: A Guide to Reducing a Carbon Footprint,” which explains the conditions that are now driving businesses to consider their carbon footprints. She also shared tips on how to incorporate insights from the publication into the classroom and ways to develop more detailed teaching materials.
Kelly Ulto, clinical associate professor of accounting and taxation at the Gabelli School of Business, introduced the ESG Teaching Toolkit for faculty members and students, which contains resources to teach ESG concepts and integrate practical exercises into the classroom. Kelly Sullivan, senior associate at KPMG, presented a case study that can be used as a teaching tool.
The event concluded with a presentation by Jeff Hales, Ph.D., Bake Chair in Global Sustainability Leadership, Charles T. Zlatkovich Centennial Professor of Accounting, executive director of the Global Sustainability Leadership Institute University of Texas at Austin, and member of the International Sustainability Standards Board, which focused on the latest global developments regarding disclosure standards. He reviewed the structure of international standards boards and explained how, why, and when disclosure standards are evolving across jurisdictions, including how countries are working together to help facilitate corporate compliance.
Written by: Michelle Miller, Associate Director of Communications, Gabelli School of Business