Professor Aksoy co-chairs doctoral consortium
Faculty | Jul 16, 2014 | Claire Curry
Big Data, technology innovation, service ecosystems, social media and CRM — these are just a few of the topics covered at this year’s Frontiers in Service Conference held at the University of Miami in late June.
Associate Professor of Marketing Lerzan Aksoy co-chaired the pre-conference doctoral consortium along with Assistant Professor Werner Kunz from the University of Massachusetts. Sponsored by the Services Special Interest Group (SERVSIG) of the American Marketing Association, the consortium included a full day of sessions geared toward supporting doctoral students and new faculty as they advance in their careers. Scholars shared research on topics related to teaching, researching and collaborating with an industry network.
“The who’s who of marketing were there as presenters to future scholars and that the event was a huge success,” said Professor Aksoy.
In addition to AMA’s SERVSIG, the event was supported by Arizona State University’s Center for Services Leadership, the University of Miami and Fordham University Schools of Business.
The four-day annual Frontiers conference, now in its 23rd year, is sponsored by the American Marketing Association SERVSIG, INFORMS Service Science Section, the University of Maryland’s Center for Excellence in Service and the University of Miami’s Center for International Business Education and Research. Educators, including several Fordham Business faculty members, and professionals working in e-commerce, service operations, retail management and CRM attended a series of seminars led by panelists from universities across the United States as well as Sweden, Australia, Japan and Taiwan.