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Juniors in finance: Apply for the Student Managed Fund

Areas of Study , Coursework , Finance Stories | Feb 27, 2012 |

Junior finance majors/concentrators: This is your week to put the Student Managed Investment Fund in your sights.

Professor James Kelly, who advises the fund and teaches the two courses that comprise the SMIF program, is looking for 12 students to fill the fund’s analyst positions for fall 2012. If you want to take part in managing $1 million of the university’s endowment — and take two courses that many alumni say are among their most memorable — read Professor Kelly’s message below and apply by this Sunday, March 4.


The Student Managed Investment Fund is accepting applications for the fall 2012 semester.

The SMIF program consists of two consecutive one-semester academic courses: FNBU 4462 in the fall and FNBU 4463 in the spring, each of which counts as a three-credit finance elective. The spring-semester course also satisfies the Global Investments (FNBU 4450) requirement for the finance major.

Over these two consecutive semesters, students will actively manage a $1-million global balanced portfolio comprising securities representing the major asset classes of equities, bonds, FX, and hard assets including commodities and real estate securities. This real-world investing experience is very impressive to prospective employers.

The application process is open to juniors majoring in finance or in business administration with a finance concentration. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required.

The class meets each Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. in the trading room at 455 Faber Hall.

To apply, send a copy of your résumé and a one-page essay explaining why you want to participate in the SMIF program to smif@fordham.edu. The deadline for applications is Sunday, March 4.

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