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SMIF named Best Hybrid Fund at Quinnipiac G.A.M.E. Forum

Areas of Study , Coursework , Finance Stories | Apr 23, 2012 |

Gabelli’s junior- and senior-class fund managers snagged one of the five prizes awarded to undergraduate student-managed funds at Quinnipiac University’s Global Asset Management Education (G.A.M.E.) Forum, a conference for finance industry professionals and students.

Congratulations to the fund’s 24-member team — led by managing directors Sean O’Connor (GSB ’12), Gabriella Krasnitsky (GSB ’12) and Steven Cirincione (GSB ’12) — for being named Best Hybrid Strategy Fund. Sixteen of our students attended at the conference, which attracted more than 1,000 students from about 100 universities around the country and elsewhere in the world.

Dean Rapaccioli and the fund’s advisor, Professor James R. Kelly, expressed pride in the student managers’ accomplishments.

As of the end of March, the student-managed fund was up 6.8 percent, seeing significant gains in January and February and more modest gains in March itself. The fund’s benchmark, meanwhile, was up 6.33 percent over the same period.

According to the fund’s most recent monthly report, the sector that contributed most to overall gains was information technology. Fordham’s IT investments outperformed the benchmark’s by 1.42 percent, and our fund was more heavily invested in this area overall: 8.84 percent of total assets as opposed to the benchmark’s 6 percent. These gains helped to offset underperformance in its energy and commodities investments.

Congratulations to the Student Managed Investment Fund on its Quinnipiac honor!

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