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Junior Kuba Kowalski featured in Bloomberg News

Areas of Study , Finance Stories | Sep 06, 2012 |

The first three words of the Bloomberg News headline blared: “Fordham Finance Major ….”

The first six words of the ensuing article read: “Kuba Kowalski’s 3.8 grade-point average ….”

Now, if those aren’t the makings of good press, we don’t know what is!

Congratulations are in order for Jakob “Kuba” Kowalski (GSB ’14), the subject of a lengthy feature published this morning on Bloomberg News.

The article talks about the intriguing blend of Kuba’s primary interests: finance and tennis. As a former finance intern for Swiss banking powerhouse UBS, and as a tennis player who is a powerhouse in his own right, Kuba exemplifies the traits common to people who excel in either of these fields: “discipline, self-reliance, delayed gratification, preparation and hard work,” in the words of a university professor quoted in the Bloomberg piece.

Bloomberg writer Eben Novy-Williams tells Kuba’s story here. Give it a read! Above is a picture of Dean Rapaccioli recognizing Kuba in her Hughes Hall office for garnering much-deserved attention for his own achievements, and for Fordham.

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