Home » Undergraduate » Students to have a say in the future of electric cars

Students to have a say in the future of electric cars

Undergraduate | Oct 05, 2015 |
Students look at a BMW-i electric car during the kickoff of a social innovation practicum which will look at urban mobility.

Students look at a BMW-i electric car during the kickoff of a social innovation practicum which will look at urban mobility.

Today’s students already have the mindset for new models of urban mobility. Now they will get a chance to have their voices heard in the next levels of sustainability innovation.

A social innovation practicum, in which BMW is joining with Fordham University, will study the company’s electric vehicles and make recommendations on new ways to enhance the driving experience, according to an article on fordham.edu.

“They’ve grown up consuming these products and they’re used to thinking about how to integrate them into our cities,” said Tadhg O’Connor, the BMW-i area manager for the Eastern region. “They’ve grown up consuming these products and they’re used to thinking about how to integrate them into our cities. Their intuition is very valuable to us.”

O’Connor visited the Rose Hill campus to help kick off the practicum as well as a new course studying sustainable business foundations, taught by Associate Professor Michael Pirson. BMW is underwriting the course.

Read the full article here.

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