Students and faculty recognized at 2017 undergraduate awards night
Undergraduate | May 25, 2017 | admin
The 2017 undergraduate awards night was held on Thursday, May 18, to recognize outstanding achievement among graduating students, faculty members, and alumni.
Congratulations to all winners! The complete list is below. For more on the evening’s event, view the Fordham News article.
Alumna of the Year Award: Christine Lowney
New Alumni Award:
Matthew Calhoun
Julia Cassano
Matthew Conrado
Elizabeth Foulston
Samantha Foulston
Ryan Marquis
Alexa McCauley
Nicholas Monaco
Luke Rawski
E. Gerald Corrigan Award: Kianna Manon, first prize; Will McClintock, second prize; Lianna Scott, second prize
International Business Award: Nicholas Bogojevich and Belma Kolayli
Pat Ramsay Honors Thesis: Nazifa Nasim, first prize, and Belma Kolayli, second prize.
Salutatorian: Marco Congello
Valedictorian: John Witkowski
Senior Gold Medal: John Witkowski
Benedict T. Harter Award: Nicole Bates
Hugh J. O’Reilly Plaque: John Trainor
New York State Society of CPAs Superior Scholarship Award: Allison Pushkarsh
Beta Gamma Sigma Scholarship Award: Erika Swartz
Beta Gamma Sigma Bronze Medal: Alexandra Yunker
Angela Lopez Higher Education Opportunity Award: Rey Sevilla
Fordham CSTEP: Rey Sevilla
Senior Leadership Award: Salvatore Cocchiarro and Irene Patron
Fair Trade and Microfinance Award: Paul Temnycky
Entrepreneurship Award: Corinne Logan
Changemaker Award: John Liberto; Chloe Potsklan; Daniel Stroie
Nicholas Brandemarti Award: Luke Arlotto; Leslie Fung; Neil Patel
Evening Student Award: Katie Alexanderson and Daniel Gatty
Patricia David Trailblazer Award:
Bentley Brown
Claire DiCiuccio
Alice Lau
Erika Schwartz
Cura Personalis Award:
Rickie Banister
Anthony Basso
Philip Bedard
Andrew Freire
Matthew Michaels
Georgeanne Siller
Homines Pro Aliis Award:
Elizabeth Lefer
Megan Leone
Allison Pushkarsh
Puja Thomas
Robin Tornatore
John Witkowski
Magis Award:
Courtney Acito
Christa Ceconi
Marco Congello
Jacqueline Herlan
Hugh LaGrotteria
Nicholas Lampman
Alumni Chair Award: Joseph Halpin
Mozilo Future Distinguished Alumnus: Salvatore Cocchiaro
Gabelli School of Business Dean’s Award: Nazifa Nasim
Academic Awards
Accountancy: Anthony Cardiello
Accounting: Allison Pushkarsh
Business administration, accounting concentration: Laura Fallon
Applied accounting and finance: Nicole Bates
Accounting information systems: Salvatore Cocchiaro
Business economics concentration: Leah Ganey
Entrepreneurship concentration: Mason Monchek
Finance: John Whitkowski
Business administration, finance concentration: Jordan Sonnenberg
Information systems: Nick Makarov
Business administration, information systems concentration: Runqiao Chen
Business administration, management systems concentration: Kristen Lyons
Marketing: Hugh LaGrotteria
Business administration, marketing concentration: Morgan Francis
Faculty and Administrator Awards
Gabelli School of Business Appreciation Award: Anastasia Pappas
International Awareness Award: Sal Longarino
Reverend Garrett J. Fitzgerald Award: Steven Njadzionek
Faculty Cura Personalis Award: Clarence Ball
Faculty Magis Award: Mario DiFiore
Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence (full-time faculty): Kevin Mirabile
Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence (adjunct faculty): Joe Lizza