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Student-run nonprofit serves Bronx-based businesses

Undergraduate | Nov 24, 2017 |

Concourse co-directors Claire Siegrist and Dylan Cosgrove

By Dushinka Malhotra

While the holiday season inspires people to think about giving back, many Gabelli School students commit to service throughout the year.

Claire Siegrist and Dylan Cosgrove, both BS ’18, co-directors of Concourse, are great examples.

Concourse is a student-run nonprofit consulting organization that operates out of the Fordham Foundry. It provides business-development, financial-management, and technology advising for small-business owners and startup founders in the Bronx. Its 20 student consultants work in teams to help Concourse’s five clients with business plans, market research, accounting and bookkeeping, web design, social media, and other projects.

Below, Siegrist and Cosgrove share more about their work.

How did you get started with Concourse?
Dylan Cosgrove: I first got involved through the Gabelli School’s Service Learning Program in my sophomore year. I was attracted by the idea of working with real Bronx businesses and gaining substantive work experience.
Claire Siegrist: I also joined with service learning during my second year. The work drew me in right away, and here we are three years later, directing the group.

What is your current involvement?
DC: As co-directors, we oversee client activity across all of our teams. We also step in and assist the teams in providing services when necessary.
CS: In addition to our managerial responsibilities, we also work to open opportunities for students and small-business owners in any way we can. This includes organizing training sessions with industry professionals or connecting our staff with key players in the network of Bronx entrepreneurship.

How do you hope the organization will have an impact on the lives of those involved?
DC: I hope that our consultants have a positive learning experience. I also look forward to connecting our Concourse alumni with current consultants so there are real networking opportunities included.
CS: In the short term, our goal for clients is to solve their business challenges so they can focus on what they’re really good at, whether that is digital media design or catering. In the long term, we would like Concourse to be a reputable driver of entrepreneurship in the Bronx that is known for providing a high level of service to clients and invaluable learning experiences for university students.

Concourse consultants at work: Alex He, Yangsizhe Zhou, Emily Phou, Zi Hui Fu, Liam Scoccola, Michael Santangelo, Jonathan Josef

How do interested students get involved?
CS: If you’re a student reading this, please keep an eye out for our recruitment materials in the spring. We are open to Fordham students from any school and all class years. We generally recruit once a year, but if you would like to learn more, please email us.

If you’re a Bronx-based entrepreneur, we would love to talk with you about opportunities to work with a Concourse team.

What’s next for you?
CS: After graduation, I plan to work in technology consulting, solving business challenges with technology solutions for non-tech companies.
DC: I will be pursuing my master’s in finance at the Gabelli School’s Lincoln Center campus, as well as preparing for the CPA exam next year. I have interned with EY in its advisory division, and I will return as a full-time employee after my master’s year.

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