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High expectations set for Gabelli School Class of 2020

Undergraduate | Aug 30, 2016 |
Mario Gabelli, BS '65, speaks to the Gabelli School of Business Class of 2020 during an orientation session on Monday, Aug. 29, 2016. (Photo by John Schoonejongen)

Mario Gabelli, BS ’65, speaks to the Gabelli School of Business Class of 2020 during the Rose Hill orientation on Monday, Aug. 29, 2016. (Photo by John Schoonejongen)

The Gabelli School’s Class of 2020, new to Fordham and some new to New York City, got a taste on Monday of the hopes that the school community has for them and the support they will have as they pursue their dreams.

At academic orientation on the Rose Hill campus, students heard directly from Mario Gabelli, BS ’65, founder of the investing firm GAMCO and the man after whom the Gabelli School of Business is named.

“I’m looking around, and I’m seeing … a lot of smart, energetic individuals who are here to learn something,” Gabelli said, and maybe “to become … the next owner of the [New York] Jets, the next president of the United States.

See more photos of the orientation here.

Gabelli set expectations high, discussing the importance of passion in the students’ eventual careers and finding a niche in which they can succeed.

Gabelli School Dean Donna Rapaccioli expanded on that thought.

“Business needs innovative thinkers,” she said. “We need you to ask lots of questions. That way you can see where there are gaps — where you can fill a need.”

Rapaccioli also urged the students to learn from one another and, in doing so, expand what will become their professional networks.

Joining Gabelli and Rapaccioli in welcoming the students were University President Fr. Joseph M. McShane; Provost Stephen Freedman; Fr. Lito Salazar, executive director of campus ministry; and Marisa Totino, assistant dean for freshmen at the Gabelli School.

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