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Consulting Cup teams move forward to finals

Undergraduate | Dec 09, 2016 |

The semester is drawing to a close, which means two things: winter break is almost here, and the Consulting Cup Challenge is in its final stage.

What is the Consulting Cup?img_1568

In the fall, the entire sophomore class is divided into teams and assigned a Fortune 500 company. This year’s companies? Facebook, Chipotle, Johnson & Johnson, Tesla, Whole Foods, and Apple.

Throughout the semester, students complete projects focusing on their assigned companies. A final 12-minute presentation of a new initiative to help the company boost sales and productivity determines a group of semifinalists.

“This project helped me hone many skills that will be useful for my career,” said Brenna Slane, BS ’19, a semifinalist at the Lincoln Center campus. “The integration of my classes and the challenge itself really helped me grow as a business student.”

The project also had a significant team focus, as members had to work cohesively to accomplish their goals.

“I believe that our [team’s] relationship played a critical role in our overall performance,” said Griffin Hull, BS ’19, another semifinalist. “We were assigned Johnson & Johnson, and it was very interesting to learn so much about a company that is currently active and actually going through the problems we discovered.”

A select group will move forward as finalists to compete in a final round. Find out who wins it all this Monday, December 12, at the Rose Hill campus.

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