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Talking with … Clayton Lamar

Interviews | Oct 19, 2018 |

Clayton LamarEvery “Talking with…” feature helps you get to know a different Gabelli School faculty member, administrator, or staff member. This week, learn more about Clayton Lamar, assistant director for the PhD program.

How long have you worked at Fordham?
I’ve worked at Fordham for 7 years.

What did you do before that?
After completing my graduate degrees I worked as a research associate at Rutgers, my undergraduate alma mater.

Can you briefly describe one of your main projects this fall?
We’re currently preparing for our next PhD program admissions cycle. The program is in its third year, so we’re constantly fine-tuning our best practices, and admissions is an important time for us to make sure we get it right.

What do you think is one of the main reasons students choose to complete their PhD at the Gabelli School?
The Gabelli School offers a lot to a PhD student—world-class faculty, a great research environment, all of the advantages New York affords—but I think the most important thing we have to offer is our attention. We work very closely with our students from day one, and given how competitive the academic job market can be, we want to make sure they’re getting the most out of their time with us.

Have you learned anything from the PhD students?
PhD students are really tapped into the rhythm of a school. They’re here for five years—they study here, they work here, you’ll see them every day, and they really know what’s going on.

Can you give an example of how your role provides opportunities to serve others?
I see my work with the PhD program as an opportunity to serve Fordham as an institution. By inaugurating a PhD program in business, we’ve had a chance to add something lasting to the university for years to come.


Fun questions

Favorite restaurant near your home:
Brunch at The Tradesman in East Williamsburg

Favorite restaurant near the Lincoln Center campus:
Totto Ramen on 51st

Movie you’ve seen the most times:

Last country you visited:
France in September for a friend’s wedding

What team did you want to make it to the World Series?
The Yankees, always

Candy corn: for or against?
In theory? For. By the time Halloween finally rolls around, against.


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