Home » Global » Got international video? Win a prize worth $500 during IBW

Got international video? Win a prize worth $500 during IBW

Global | Nov 03, 2015 |

shutterstock_129132983Looking to show off your video chops and possibly win a $500 United Airlines gift card?

If you have some international experience—or if you plan to have some someday—the Gabelli School of Business International Business Week Student Video Competition is waiting for your entry.

The deadline is Nov. 12, but don’t worry about the short time. The competition judges are not necessarily looking for highly polished videos; they’re instead seeking original efforts, between 30 and 90 seconds long, that highlight students’ experiences abroad or ones they hope to have. It’s the idea and the message that count!

There are three categories:

  • Videos about a current study abroad or international experience (i.e., shot and edited “on site” in a country other than the United States).
  • Videos about a past study abroad or international experience (i.e., you went somewhere, but now you are back in the United States).
  • Videos about a hypothetical international or study abroad experience that you have never had, but would like to have in the future (e.g., working for a multinational company of your choice, spending a semester abroad in an ideal locale, taking a study tour that you haven’t yet taken, etc.).

Choose one and go for it!

In addition to the $500 United Airlines grand prize, there are three $100 Amazon gift cards, one for the winner of each category.

The winning videos will be announced and screened in Daleo Hall at Rose Hill at 1 p.m. on Nov. 19, during International Business Week. Register here to attend.

A full explanation of the rules can be found here.

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