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Is working out not working out? Gojimgo may be the answer

Featured Events | Mar 29, 2016 |
Shema Kalisa, founder of Gojimgo, with several members of the Fordham Digital Business Society. (Photo by Bailey Link)

From left, Christian Jose, front end design lead, Gojimgo; Natalie Lao, member of the Digital Business Society, Jacqueline Rzasa, vice president of the Digital Business Society; Shema Kalisa, founder and product lead, Gojimgo; Yancy Carrasco, president of the Digital Business Society; and Ken Toyoda, business analyst at the Digital Business Society. (Photo by Bailey Link)

By Bailey Link, BS ’16

Want to know exactly when your favorite gym equipment is open for use?

After all, finding the time to work out can be complicated when you have limited windows of opportunity between classes and events. A startup company, Gojimgo, seeks to help you make the most of your tight schedule.

Shema Kalisa, founder of Gojimgo, spoke a recent Fordham Digital Business Society meeting about how his new app, in development for about a year, works.

Gojimgo provides sensors to Fordham University’s gym in order to alert students which exercise equipment is available to use. The app features a basic map of the gym, plus icons that show in real time when a machine is either free or occupied.

The company says its app can save you the 15 minutes it takes to walk across campus, only to find there’s no room for you at the gym and the frustrated 15-minute walk back to your dorm.

“Opportunity to sleep in 30 more minutes? Missed. Opportunity to cram in one more hour for that final? Lost. Opportunity to call your Grandma? SQUANDERED,” reads the company’s website.

This past June, the company signed an agreement to work with Fordham.

So far, Gojimgo only has sensors on treadmills, but it is planning on expanding to the elliptical machines and the bikes within the coming months.

Kalisa is working with the Fordham Foundry, the university’s business incubator.

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