A lot has changed since we took New York City by storm in 1920, and even since we started celebrating our centennial. But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed at all: our irrepressible urge to better both ourselves and the world of business.
Through the support of alumni, parents, and friends, the Centennial Campaign will position the Gabelli School of Business to pioneer and disseminate sustainable practices throughout the global business arena, fueling the creation of ideas, products, services, and solutions that carry the world toward a promising future.
A silver lining of our shift to online programming means that Fordham University alumni, students, parents, and community partners can access most of our webinars from wherever they are. We hope you will join us as we celebrate 100 years of business education at Fordham with these special guests.
Please take a minute to learn more about the Centennial Campaign and consider a contribution. Your gift to the Gabelli Centennial Campaign will contribute to the success of Cura Personalis | For Every Fordham Student, the University’s $350 million fundraising campaign to enhance the entire student experience.
Couldn’t make it to a previous Centennial Virtual Speaker Series? Catch up on all events here!
George Serafeim, Charles M. Williams Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
December 1
Joe Calandro, Managing Director, Insurance Advisory Practice, PwC
November 8
Terry Keeley, Financial Advisor
November 1
Derek Lidow, Professor of the Practice, Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education, Princeton University
October 18
Bob Pisani, Senior Markets Correspondent, CNBC
October 11
Jon Brolin, Founder and Managing Partner, Edenbrook Capital LLC & Roy Behren, Co-President and Co-Chief Investment Officer, Westchester Capital Management, LLC
September 22
Bruce Usher, Professor of Professional Practice and Faculty Director, Tamer Center for Social Enterprise at Columbia Business School
September 20
James Park, Professor of Law at UCLA
September 14
Mary Childs, Financial Journalist, co-host of National Public Radio’s Planet Money
May 24
Gillian Tett, chair of the editorial board and U.S. editor at large of the Financial Times
May 17
Roger Lowenstein, Financial Journalist and Author
April 27
Stephen R. Foerster, Co-Author; Professor of Finance, Ivey Business School
April 12
Moderated by Dianne McKeever, Chief Investment Officer and Co-founder, Ides Capital Management LP
February 16
Join us as we bring together leaders in the NFT (non-fungible token) market to discuss the current explosion and future opportunities within this crypto segment.
February 15
Daniel Peris, Author; and Senior Portfolio Manager, Federated Investors Inc.
February 8
Wednesday, December 15
Tuesday, December 7
Thursday, December 2
Wednesday, November 17
Thursday, November 4
Wednesday, October 27
Thursday, October 21
Monday, September 27
Tuesday, September 14
Wednesday, July 14
Thursday, June 3
Tuesday, May 18
Thursday, May 6
Tuesday, April 27
Thursday, April 22
Tuesday, April 20
Thursday, April 15
Thursday, April 15
Thursday, April 8
Wednesday, April 7
Tuesday, March 30
Tuesday, March 16
Tuesday, March 2
Thursday, March 4
Tuesday, February 2
Wednesday, January 27
June 2
June 4
June 8
June 16
June 17-18
June 22
June 24
July 1
July 7
July 14
July 15
July 28
July 30
Thursday, September 24
Tuesday, September 29
Tuesday, October 6
Thursday, October 8
Wednesday, October 14
Tuesday, October 20
Tuesday, October 27
Thursday, November 12
Monday, November 16
Wednesday, November 18
Malika Gogia
Please note: Gifts to the Gabelli Fund will be earmarked to assist our students with COVID-related emergencies.
© 2025 Gabelli School of Business
GabelliConnect is the news site of the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University. Read about career opportunities, campus events, student and alumni success stories, and more.