Home » Areas of Study » Finance » Success story: Jimmy Cattani headed to Bank of America

Success story: Jimmy Cattani headed to Bank of America

Areas of Study , Finance Success Stories | Apr 05, 2013 |

Jimmy Cattani (GSB ’14) is finishing his junior year at Fordham, but his résumé features experience that could make someone several years older jealous.

Now he’s about to add to it again: Jimmy has accepted a summer 2013 internship with Bank of America Merrill Lynch investment banking.

“It is great to see that more Fordham students are having the opportunity to intern in front-office roles,” said Jimmy, a finance major with a minor in economics. “The Gabelli School has done an excellent job at preparing us for these very competitive positions, and I believe Gabelli students will continue to prove that we are just as capable and qualified as anyone.”

Jimmy has sharpened his own qualifications through rigorous Gabelli School coursework, such as the Student Managed Investment Fund; serious extracurricular involvement, including Beta Alpha Psi; and, as noted, a solid work history. This past winter break, he worked as a trading assistant to alumnus Joseph Mazzella (GSB ’82), a professional commodities trader who owns the firm SNS Investments and directs the Finance Scholars program. Before that, Jimmy was an analyst at a quantitative hedge fund called Indices-Pac Research Corporation, located in Montvale, New Jersey.

The Bank of America offer followed a series of tough interviews — and raised an equally tough question for Jimmy, who also was considering going to J.P. Morgan in investment banking risk. Jimmy chose Bank of America after getting opinions and perspectives from a group of his peers.

This summer won’t be easy or relaxing work-wise, but Jimmy is ready to take on a demanding environment.

“I was always the kind of kid who pushed myself to achieve to the best of my capabilities,” he said, “and I believe interning in investment banking for a bulge-bracket bank will provide me with another opportunity to do so.”



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