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PPD Presents Marketing General Advising Session


Marketing General Advising Session: Jump-Start Your Spring 2022 Internship/Job Search Essential checklists and strategies to get ahead of the curve and organized over break to jump-start your Spring 2022 Job/Internship Search Join Zoom Meeting https://fordham.zoom.us/j/84336680100?pwd=Z2NERlI3YVYwSUdXM1ozMUU5Zzg0Zz09

PPD Presents International Student Workshop


If you are an international student, this workshop featuring Salvatore C. Longarino, Director of Fordham University’s Office for International Services is not to be missed. Gain an understanding about what is involved to secure an internship and full-time position in …

PPD Presents Getting Ready for Career Fair-Tips for Success


Be prepared for the Spring Virtual Career Fair on Thursday, Feb. 3rd by attending this workshop to learn the keys to success including creating your 30 Second Elevator Pitch or Tell Me About Yourself, how to choose employers to speak …

PPD Presents Marketing Internship Panel


Gabelli Marketing Internship Panel Join Zoom Meeting https://fordham.zoom.us/j/89593209450?pwd=a2NxeHZ5T1FzdWVQZjBtNEMrdTh6dz09

PPD Presents Networking and Organizing Your Internship or Job Search


Jump start your search for internships and full time employment! Learn step-by-step how to get informational interviews through strategic networking. We will log into LinkedIn to enhance your profile and demonstrate networking strategies. Workshop Facilitator: Robin Freedman What: Networking and …

Goldman Sachs Sophomore Series: Investment Banking & Sales & Trading

12th Floor Lounge - Lowenstein New York City, NY, United States

The Goldman Sachs Fordham Recruiting team invites sophomores to join the team for a series of sessions that will provide an in-depth view and understanding of the different divisions at Goldman Sachs. Students will have the opportunity to understand the …

Goldman Sachs Sophomore Series: Asset Management and Consumer and Wealth Management

12th Floor Lounge - Lowenstein New York City, NY, United States

The Goldman Sachs Fordham Recruiting team invites students to join the team for a series of sessions that will provide an in-depth view and understanding of the different divisions at Goldman Sachs. Students will have the opportunity to understand the …

Sustainability Coffee Chat – President, Head of Sustainability, Zoetis


Please join the "Coffee and Careers" conversation on Sustainability featuring alumna, Jeannette Ferran Astorga, GABELLI BS '96, Vice President, Head of Sustainability, Zoetis; President, Zoetis Foundation. RSVP here. Biography Jeannette Ferran Astorga, GABELLI BS '96 Vice President, Head of Sustainability; …

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