Gabelli School of Business Hosts 8th Edition of LTAS
Featured Events | Dec 17, 2019 | admin
In an effort to solidify our presence in the service research field, the Gabelli School of Business brought together Ph.D. students and distinguished scholars for the 8th edition of the Let’s Talk About Service (LTAS) workshop, on December 5th. Speakers included editors-in-chief of all three services journals.
Usually held in Europe, this is the second time the Gabelli School’s marketing area has had the privilege to host the workshop. LTAS was founded in 2012 by Bart Larivière, Annouk Lievens, and Wafa Hammedi as a joint initiative of the Center for Research on Consumption & Leisure (CeRCLe, University of Namur) and Antwerp University in collaboration with the Center on Consumers & Marketing Strategy (CCMS). Gabelli joined the three schools as an organizing school in 2016.
Since then, Gabelli School of Business marketing area chair, professor of marketing, and director of teaching excellence, Sertan Kabadayi has been the co-organizer of this important event. He welcomed the group and emphasized the Gabelli School’s dedication to the field of service research.
This year’s theme was “Achieving Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Service.”
See below for a gallery of images capturing the three-day event.