The Marketing Area Presents a Video Competition In a short video, show the Marketing Area "What it means to you to be a Fordham marketing student?” For example: developed your marketing skills through a class, a job, extracurricular activities, or …
The Challenge: Develop a compelling creative marketing communications idea that will create high awareness and attention for the Brand among Gen Z and young Millennials (18- 40) to stimulate greater trial and engagement. Demonstrate how the unique communications idea will …
Join us for a virtual program with award-winning financial journalist Diana Henriques on her latest book, Taming the Street: The Old Guard, the New Deal and FDR's Fight to Regulate American Capitalism. Taming the Street describes how President Franklin D. …
GabelliConnect is the news site of the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University. Read about career opportunities, campus events, student and alumni success stories, and more.